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Jan 10, 2010

Week Ten Summary

Week Ten and all is well.

I've enjoyed the modified diet. Over the past two weeks, I've indulged in some Brie cheese, Ryvita and other types of non-gluten crackers along with some "Holy Hummous," dip,  a few helpings of cooked, organic rice cereal, and some very tasty lentils made by a friend of a friend. Pretty tame really, but appreciated all the same.

Taking a break at this time of year feels like the right thing to do. And, given my weight loss it also felt good to slow the cleansing process down a little with a bit of cooked food, etc.

Of course getting back on board is a bit tough.....

The stats for this past week:
                             01/03/10             01/11/10           Change

Weight              134.9 lbs.               130.2                   -4.7 lbs.
Almost 5 pounds! Now that I'm back on the 100% raw food diet, the downward trend in weight has returned.

In my last meeting with the naturopath, he emphasized how it was raw, vegetables and fruit that provided the nutrition and the cleansing action. Seeds and nuts are also nutritious, but don't assist with the cleansing process. In fact, they are much harder to digest and the reason why they should be eaten only after having been soaked. Both these reasons are why he cautions against consuming seeds and nuts too often.

Body Fat           20.9 lbs.                 18.1                    -2.8 lbs.
A significant part of the weight loss is body fat again this week.

BMI                     21.2                        20.4                     -0.8
A reflection of the weight loss.

Body Fat           15.5%                     13.9                     -1.6%       
Same as above but as a percentage.

Water                61.7%                     62.9                    +1.2%
Amazingly, my water content is continuing to rise, in spite of my inattention to my water intake!

Bone Mass        6.4%                       6.4                       No change.
The bone mass seems to be holding its own.

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