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Oct 28, 2009

Getting Started

Last night my sister, Suzanne, picked me up at the Montreal airport. This morning I had an appointment with her naturopath. Nice guy. Likes to keeps things simple which works for me. In a nutshell, here´s what he had to say:
  1. Our bodies are the result of eons of evolution. Trust that it knows what to do to heal.
  2. Disease thrives in an acidic environment. Therefore the diet will focus on alkalinizing foods.
  3. Healing preceeds curing, therefore,
  4. Elimination of toxins is critical. The first two months will focus on cleaning out the body.
He explained the protocol I will be following for the next 8 weeks:
  • A diet consisting of 100% raw, ripe, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Two, 10-ounce glasses of juice each day, consisting of 20% carrots, 80% greens.
  • A cleansing drink before breakfast and bedtime. Consists of: 2 oz. of apple juice, 6 oz. of water, 1 tsp. Bio-Flo One, 3 tbsp of Chloroforce, 1 tablet of Bio-Flo Two.
  • A set of herbal extracts taken three times daily to assist endocrine, renal, digestive and lymph function as well as Essiac tea and a parasitic cleanser.
  • A lemon and/or grape juice fast for a minimum of three consecutive days (to a maximum of 10) at least once a month. Drink as much as you want.(Google Master Cleanse for details.)
  • Ensure that your bowels are working well. A colonic or colema may be required from time to time to ensure that toxins are being eliminated properly.
  • Read ¨Dr. Jensen´s Guide to Better Bowel Care: a complete program for tissue cleansing through bowel management.¨
To this I will be adding BarleyMax, a certified, organic, whole-food concentrate made from the juice of young barley grass and alfalfa. (Three times daily.) (Ref. www.hacres.com) It really does taste like grass! but I´m hoping it will grow on me -the taste, not the grass.

It does feel a bit overwhelming, so I´m giving myself a few days to stock up and ramp up. My plan is to ¨go live¨ on Monday, November 2nd.