Having eaten out more often these past three weeks (in search of accommodations and getting settled in) has made it difficult to get back into the groove of preparing raw food. It's amazing how easily I can slip into old habits. Eating raw is definitely not a habit just yet.
It has also been a busy week and I haven't been paying my diet as much attention. I did, however, go to a colon hydrotherapist for a colema. (A colema uses gravity feed for the water as opposed to a colonic where the water is under slight pressure).
After my conversation with the therapist, I agree with her that the watery stool, which has been an issue since mid-January, is contributing to an imbalance in my intestinal flora. I've purchased some Acidophilus which I've now started taking. I hope that this will improve the situation sooner rather than later.
From the numbers below it seems I've definitely hit a plateau. Here are
the stats for this past week:
03/07/10 03/14/10 Change
Weight 125.2 lbs. 124.4 -0.8 lbs.
Weight 125.2 lbs. 124.4 -0.8 lbs.
A very slight drop.
Body Fat 15.0 lbs. 15.0 No Change.
BMI 19.7 19.5 -0.2
A reflection of the weight.
Body Fat 12.0% 12.0 No Change.
Same as above but as a percentage.
Water 64.3% 64.3 No Change.
Still a good number.
Bone Mass 6.3% 6.3 No Change.
Holding steady.
Holding steady.