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Nov 22, 2009

Sunday Blues

I work up this morning feeling not quite on the bubble emotionally. 

It has stayed with me during the day, and feels a bit heavier as my energy levels are dropping, as they usually do toward the end of the day. The grapes which have been just fine to this point, feel heavy as well. I"m missing the comfort of food, especially comfort foods like chocolate, ice cream, a latte, hot soup, toast with jam and so on....   

It doesn't happen very often, but tonight, I'm feeling lonely. I miss my family and friends, miss going out for coffee, miss going out to the movies and the popcorn they serve, miss my bed back home, miss my stuff. Montreal is OK but people here seem unhappy, tired and/or depressed, which is pretty much where I'm at right now. 

Being on this cleanse is helping me to see where I've eaten, not so much because I was hungry physically, but to satiate my emotional and spiritual hunger. A sobering thought.

 Tonight, I'm taking solace in the fact that my bedtime is not far away and that tomorrow is a new day....

Week Three Summary

 This, my third week, has been pretty good overall. I started a grapes fast on Thursday. Until this morning that's gone well. I've woken up feeling physically strong and mentally alert and in a good space emotionally. 

I haven't been hungry at all. In fact, it's been a challenge to get through all the grapes before the end of the day. I noticed I get tired earlier in the day, about 4 or 5pm, but other than that it has been a good experience.

My sister hasn't doing as well physically, but said that after doing an enema last night she's feeling better.

Here's the low down for the past week.

                            11/15/09                   11/22/09         Change

Weight            152.6 lbs.                        147.6        -5.0 lbs.
A full 5 pounds this week, but I've been on a grape fast since Thursday, so there's a good chance at least half of that weight loss is due to the fasting.

Body Fat          32.4 lbs.                          30.1        -2.3 lbs.
The body fat is slowly going down. I can see it (or not see it) in the mirror as well.

BMI                    21.2                                 20.4         -0.8
The weight loss is reflected in the Body Mass Index calculation.

Body Fat           23.9%                            23.2         - 0.7%
Same as above but as a percentage.

Water                57.5%                             58.1       + 0.6%
 Up again, ever so slightly, which is great. I've increased my water intake a bit, but still very much a struggle to get myself to even remember to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Bone Mass         6.6%                                6.5      -0.1%
A very slight loss. I've been walking pretty much every day or second day, doing more exercise than ever and eating healthier, so I wasn't expecting my bone mass to drop.

It may be that the scale was on the very edge of 6.5% anyway, or a slight variation in the reading either because my feet were a bit more moist or dry than previously could account for the difference. I will keep an eye on it and if it continues to drop then I will certainly look into it further.

Next weeks stats should be present a better picture as the fast will be finished by then.