A Quick Overview

Welcome to my blog on the ups and downs of a raw food diet.

The last seven posts are displayed on the left. You can find older posts in the Blog Archive on the right.

Alternatively, you can use the Search function, on the right, to find articles that contain the word you specify.

Clicking on any of the Labels, also on the right, will bring up all the posts with those labels attached.

Feel free to leave your comments, observations, questions, etc. by clicking on the Comments tag at the end of each post. I will do my best to respond to each one.

If time is of the essence, just click on the appropriate Reactions boxes at the end of each post.

If you have any Suggestions, whether recipes, books, websites, etc., feel free to let me know and I will post the information for the readers.

May 6, 2010

Your patience is appreciated

Hi there.
It's my intention to post a couple of entries a week. Unfortunately, life has been particularly busy, and I haven't posted anything since April 1st. I still have a few things on my plate, but hope to be back in the saddle before the end of May.

Thanks for your patience.