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Jan 4, 2010

December Monthly Review #2

Here we are, our second monthly review. Again in no particular order.

Probably the biggest change this month has been the warmer weather here in Victoria compared to Montreal. No snow and temperatures consistently above freezing makes eating raw food so much more enjoyable. Who knows, maybe I'll try Mexico next and see how that feels!

I imagine it would have been possible to go through the Christmas/New Year season eating 100% raw. In the big picture, however, I find giving myself a bit of a break has made this whole process more manageable and enjoyable. The trick of course, is getting back on board when the time comes.

When I started this process, I was on the high end of my weight range and had a bit of a paunch that I wasn't happy about. Thirty pounds less, that is certainly no longer the case. Last month I had to replace my belt, this month I had to get new jeans. Now that I'm on the low end of my weight range, I definitely feel lighter and more comfortable in my body.

Last month, I mentioned that tossed green salad all day, every day was starting to wear thin, and that I needed to start researching raw food recipes. Well, I've started that process with a book on Salad Dressings and the discovery of some interesting raw food sites on the Web. (More on that later.) I've also been stocking up on spices, etc. and am starting to do a little experimenting. So far, so good.

I'm quite amazed at how much time and energy this process takes. I've read about people who go on a 100% raw food diet while continuing to work full time. I don't know how they do it. I find that between sleeping in and going to bed early, the research, the (almost daily) shopping for fresh food, juicing, food preparation, drops, etc. the day goes by extremely quickly. I imagine that one day this will become second nature, and that I will be able to do it much more efficiently and quickly. For the moment, however, I find it takes up a significant part of the day.

Many sources speak to the power of carrot juicing to cure cancer and other serious diseases. Somewhere along the line, however, my carrot juicing slowly came to a halt. I definitely need to get back to a daily intake of 20 oz. of carrot juice.

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