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Feb 2, 2010

ReBar Restaurant

Yesterday a few friends, mostly from Edmonton, decided to get together for a visit. We met for supper at the Rebar Modern Food Restaurant, a funky, unpretentious, restaurant with great service and fabulous fresh food that caters to the health conscious crowd.

It's located at 50 Bastion Street, in the heart of downtown Victoria between Wharf and Government Street. My friends quite enjoyed the atmosphere, service and food. If you're ever in the neighborhood, it's certainly worth a visit. There isn't much to indicate the restaurant, other than the lineups at meal times, so come early.

Given my all time low weight, I decided that this was an excellent time to take my naturopath's counsel that cooked food from time to time would be fine. 

I went with the Monk's Curry, a bowl of oyster mushrooms, Japanese eggplant, greens, red potato, organic tofu, scallions and fresh herbs, wok-fried in a homemade green curry-coconut sauce served on organic brown rice. It even sounds good. I savoured every morsel.

I'm not sure if it was the meal or not, but for the next two days my stomach felt a little tender and I was significantly more tired than usual. Given my 3 months on raw food, the cooked food -although delicious and nutritious enough- may have been too much of a good thing. 

(Since then I've spoken to my sister whose studying to be a naturopath and she agreed. She also pointed out that when the naturopath suggested a bit of cooked food, he meant the same greens I'm eating now, lightly steamed -not carbohydrates like potatoes or rice.)

Ya learn something every day!

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