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Feb 28, 2010

Cooked Food..... Once Again #17

Being so beautifully spring-like here on the Island, I've decided to not go back to Montreal (and the cold and snow). Consequently, I've been busy looking for new accommodations. Being able to eat cooked food certainly simplifies things while I'm out on the road.

Last week, I ran out of the bowel cleanser and chlorophyl products the naturopath prescribed. There's been a delay in their arrival, so I've been doing without this past week.

For the past couple of months I've been having this pain, a dull aching, in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. It usually makes an appearance up in the evening, although some days it starts in the afternoon. Not sure what it's about. Whatever the reason, I just realized that for the most part this past week it hasn't shown up -and I'm definitely OK with that. I'm hoping it stays that way.

It's amazing to watch how quickly the weight goes back on every time I go start eating cooked food. In my situation, and there's lots of other anecdotal information, to suggest raw food is a great way to lose excess weight. I highly recommend it.

The stats for this past week #17:

                             02/21/10             02/28/10           Change

Weight              122.9 lbs.               126.5                   +3.6 lbs.
Definitely going in the other direction now! Almost a 4 pound gain this week. The weight gain feels good, but mostly I'm happy that the weight loss has stopped.

Body Fat           13.3 lbs.                 15.7                    +2.4 lbs.
The majority of this week's weight gain is fat.

BMI                     19.3                       19.9                     -0.1
A reflection of the weight.

Body Fat           10.8%                     11.4                     -%       
Same as above but as a percentage.

Water                65.1%                     64.0                     -1.1%
The first big drop since we began. Not unexpected as I've been "on the road" a lot more, which makes it more difficult for me to notice my thirst in the first place, and then more difficult to address it.

Bone Mass        6.3%                       6.4                       +0.1
The first time it has gone up since we started. Well see if it holds at this level again next week.

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