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Dec 27, 2009

Week Eight Summary

Note: 1/16/10. My apologies for the delay, a combination of Christmas holidays and some technological challenges in my new location. I hope to catch up over the coming week.

Week Eight. Two months have come and gone, and I'm delighted to say that I'm doing pretty well.

A few days after my lemon fast I started feeling more energy, and that has continued through to today. I don't seem to need the same 10 to 12 hours of sleep as I did in previous weeks. Eight to ten hours seem to be sufficient these past few days.

I've decided to take a break from Montreal (and the snow) to visit friends on Vancouver Island. My Christmas Eve flight to Victoria went well. The airports were busy, but not unduly so.

I prefer to consciously take a break from the raw food diet than to find myself overwhelmed and in a moment of frustration "fall off the wagon." Given the temptations of the season and the challenges of preparing a new place with the appliances and food necessary to continue with my diet, I've decided to take a modified approach the last week of December and the first week of January. No big changes really. A bit of cooked food I wouldn't otherwise have, a bit of cheese and other nibbles, that sort of thing.

The electronic scale used for the measurements this week is made by the same manufacturer, for the same company, but it is a different model than the one I was using in Montreal. (I'm sure that the results will be essentially the same as those I would have gotten in Montreal, but I felt I should note the change.)

The stats for this past week:

                             12/20/09            12/27/09           Change

Weight              134.4 lbs.             133.7                   -0.7 lbs.
A very slight drop this week.

Body Fat           21.0 lbs.               20.3                    -0.7 lbs.
Another week where 100% of the week's weight loss is body fat. Amazing!

BMI                     15.7                        21.0                    
This new scale puts my BMI index much higher. Not sure what is going on, but since it is a calculated field (based on height and weight) I will just go back to the previous weeks and do the calculations manually.

Body Fat           21.1%                     15.0                   
Same as above but as a percentage. (Another calculated field which seems off. I will review and adjust if necessary.)

Water                61.5%                     62.0                    +0.5%
The continued rise in my water percentage continues to amaze me, as I know only too well I've not been drinking a lot of water in the course of the day. I can only attribute this to the water content in the raw food, and the absence of coffee, which is a diuretic.

Bone Mass        6.4%                      6.4                       No change.
If I continue with a healthy diet, this very slight deficiency in bone mass will slow down and eventually rectify itself as the body becomes more alkaline and the levels of calcium start to rise from eating raw food.

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