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Dec 11, 2009

Osteopath, follow up

It´s been about 10 days since my first appointment with the osteopath. Today´s appointment was originally going to be a follow up to see how my liver is making out in its new location (See "Me and My Liver"). It turned out to be a session on releasing my jammed-up hip.

At one point the osteopath asked me if I knew how my hip was related to my cancer. "Not really." She went on to explain that when a person´s hip (sacral) is jammed, the temporal bones in their skull (cranial) stop moving as they should. When the cranial sacral system is not functioning properly it inhibits the nervous system. When the nervous system is not functioning properly, the immune system is comprimised.

A poor immune system response means that cancer cells (which everyone has) are not dealt with in a timely manner. The cancer cells proliferate and sooner or later a tumor develops.

The osteopath´s view is that proper structure is essential to good health, much like a solid foundation is essential to a properly function building. That is why the osteopath worked on my hip first.

It´s like the ditty about the ankle bone being connected to the leg bone and the leg bone being connected to the hip bone. The body is very much an interconnected set of systems (blood, nerves, muscles, chemical, hormonal, endocrine, immune, etc.) that "speak" to each other in ways we have yet to discover.

The more we can do to take care of these various aspects of ourselves, the better chance we have of being healthy. This is not limited to the physical realm. It includes the emotional and spiritual as well. Being angry, stressed, worried or anxious all have a similar, debilitating effect on our nervous/immune systems and general health.

Cancer prevention (or cure) is more than just the physical. It´s taking a walk in nature, letting go of one´s anger, listening or playing relaxing music, playng with young children (always a source of inspiration), or sharing a cup of hot coffee tea with a good friend.

What if you were to set aside some time this week to pick one of these suggestions -or one of your own- and give it try? Chances are you´ll like it.

Chances are so will your heart, nerves, stomach, muscles, immune system....

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