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Dec 20, 2009

Lemon Fast

Part of the cleansing process is a fast once a month. Last month I did the minimum five days on grapes (juice). This month it´s a lemon fast, minimum one day to a maximum of ten days.

The lemon fast, often times referred to as "The Master Cleanse," consists of approximately:
two ounces of freshly squeezed lemon juice,
a half teaspoon of maple syrup,
a pinch of cayenne pepper, in
ten ounces of water.

I felt pretty good at the end, and could have gone on. However, I´m traveling back west in a few days and need a bit of time to transition to solid food, so Sunday afternoon I wrapped it up.

Below is a summary of how the week went.

Tuesday,  12/15/09    
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 2 glasses of Bio Flow.
 Energy levels are down somewhat, but not overly tired.

 Wednesday  12/16/09    
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 2 glasses of Bio Flow.
 Energy levels are better today.

A surge of energy late at night. Turned in about midnight, much later than usual.

 Thursday,  12/17/09   
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 2 glasses of Bio Flow.
 Slept in this morning. 

Did pretty OK until supper time. The smell of chicken cooking in the kitchen was particularly tough. Feeling pretty tired this evening.

They say Day 3 is the toughest. Will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes.

Friday,  12/18/09
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 1 glass of Bio Flow.
 Up early this morning. Feel a bit more energized today.

 Did a fair bit of walking this afternoon. There were a few times today at the mall, where it was tough to watch people eating or drinking coffee.

This evening I got caught up in the computer and ended up doing five hours straight of photo editing. Although I went to bed way too late tonight, I feel pretty good. 

Saturday,  12/19/09
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 2 glasses of Bio Flow.
 Slept in, but am feeling tired. 

I over did it last night and I´m paying for it today. I feel like I have no energy whatsoever. I realize now that one can´t overdue it when on a fast. I might get away with it on a regular day, but not on a fast.

Just hanging in. I´m sure tomorrow I'll be better.

Sunday,  12/20/09
Three glasses of Lemon Juice plus 2 glasses of Bio Flow.
Woke up feeling much better this morning.

This afternoon I had a bowel movement that looked like some of the pictures one sees in some colon cleansing ads. Should have taken a picture to show you, but flushed it before I thought of it. (Lucky you!)
This afternoon I had a fruit smoothie. Tasted pretty good!

The thing I noticed most about this fast was the overall lack of energy and how it makes it difficult to think as I usually do. I find myself less caught up in the outside world. I feel more aware of my body and my immediate surroundings. I´m also aware of the absence of the usual mental chatter. There´s a stronger sense of silence. Overall, I feel more in the moment.

I now know first hand why fasting is such a basic part of most spiritual traditions. The lack of energy makes it more difficult to maintain one´s outward directed energy. The fasting physically forces us to stop looking outside of ourselves, and lo, and behold, we become more aware of our inner world. It was there all along of course. It's just that now that the mental chatter has subsided, we can better hear the small, still, voice that resides in our inmost being. 

Who knows what it might have to say?

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