A Quick Overview

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Dec 1, 2009

First Month Overview

Here I am at the one month mark. Amazing!

I thought I would take a moment to share some observations. In no particular order:

  • I believe the only way I´ve gotten here is with the moral support and advice of my sister, and the decision to take it one day at a time -sometimes an hour at a time. 
  • Interestingly, physical hunger has not been a big issue. The big challenge has been psychological, particularly the first couple of weeks. After the third week, what people were eating and the fact that I couldn´t have hot food or a coffee seemed to bother me less and less. Don´t get me wrong. It´s still a day-by-day affair. I still have to talk myself out of having a coffee or a oatmeal raisin cookie (they taste great and all things considered are pretty healthy... oatmeal, raisins... how bad can that be...).
  • I´ve lost 15 pounds or so since leaving Edmonton Oct. 27th. As a result, my pants have been riding quite low, much like the baggy jeans style of the younger teenage set where more is seen that most adults care to see. That kind of style on a fifteen-year old may be appealing to some, but at fifity-five, definitely not a pretty sight. To the relief of many, I now sport a brand new leather belt.
  • I´ve noticed that after a two or three weeks the food started to taste better. (If memory serves me right, the cells of our taste buds are replaced every two or three weeks). I´m preparing more of my own food, and consequently paying more attention when I´m eating it. I´m eating slower and enjoying it more, all of which helps out with digestion.
  • It´s been mostly green salads, albeit with everything in it. It´s become a bit tedious, however. In the coming weeks, I will need to get on the web and search out some new raw food dishes.
  • I tire easily. On average I´m sleeping eleven to twelve hours a night. It seems this cleansing process takes a fair bit of energy. If you have a serious condition, don´t wait till the last minute when you´re too weak to give raw food a try. With this approach there are no serious side effects, but that doesn´t make it easy. A Raw Food Diet is NOT for sissies!
  • So far the investment in equipment has been limited to a Vita-Mix blender and a Green Star juicer, both of which are high-end units. You can get by with cheaper versions of course, but if you´re looking at a lifestyle change, then you can´t go wrong with these two. (I´ll be looking at equipment in more detail at a later date).
  • The Christmas season is fast approaching. It will be interesting to see how I make out Christmas Day when all the dishes are out on display: the turkey sitting on the counter all basted and browned, the yummy, creamy, rum-spiked eggnog making its rounds, candy and chocolates at every turn, gorgeous-looking, mouth-watering desserts in the pantry, the smell of baked goods wafting through the air.... 
Maybe I´ll just spike the carrot juice and go for a long walk................. Stay tuned for the next monthly overview to find out what happens.

Christmas blessings everyone.

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