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Nov 15, 2009

Week Two Summary

 Here I am at the conclusion of Week Two. I'm glad I've made it, but there isn't the same sense of celebration as last week.

Overall the week went well, but yesterday and today I've been struggling. I'm tired. I ache. My back is bothering me, something I've (thankfully) never experienced before. There' a kind of brain fog that makes thinking difficult.

Yesterday it was raining hard but went out for a walk anyway. Got to Tim Hortons pretty much soaked, and cold. I really wanted a bowl of hot soup and a cuppa coffee to warm up. It really got on my nerves that I couldn't. I settled for a cup of mint tea and some grapes I brought along, but it wasn't the same, not by a long shot. It's funny -or not so funny- how some things, even small things like not getting to eat soup, can get on a person's nerves.

I feel more irritable, short tempered, out of sorts.  I've gone from about 8 hours sleep a night when I first arrived to about 11 hours recently. Even so I can feel myself getting tired around 5 or 6 p.m.

Quite frankly I'm tired of the pills and potions, the restricted diet. I just want to sink my teeth into something decadent. A latte would be nice, too.

                         11/05/09                  11/15/09       Change

Weight            157.2 lbs.                        152.6        -4.6 lbs.
Almost five pounds is great. Significant without losing weight too fast.

Body Fat          35.7 lbs.                          32.4        -3.3 lbs.
That the large majority of the weight loss is fat is another good sign.

BMI                    22.6                                 21.2         -1.4
The weight loss is reflected in the Body Mass Index.

Body Fat           24.6%                            23.9         - 0.7
Same as above but as a percentage.

Water                56.5%                             57.5       + 1.2%
 Up slightly which is great. Drinking sufficient water has always been an issue, and there hasn't been much of a change in behaviour as yet. The modest increase is most likely because of the water content of the vegetables I've been eating.

Bone Mass         6.6%                                6.6      No change.
Bone mass takes time to modify.

All the indicators are going in the right direction, so that's encouraging. Not that any of these have much to do with the cancer per se. Still it's good to see some results for my efforts.

I planning on doing a 3-day grape fast, possibly longer. That should be interesting....

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