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Nov 27, 2009

Calcitonin Count -October, 2009

Medulary carcinoma gives off a chemical called calcitonin. The calcitonin count is a rough approximation of the amount of cancer. More calcitonin means more cancer.    
                                                                                                                                                   Testing for the calcitonin count is a very expensive test, so I only get it done twice a year -once in April and again in October. A blood sample is all that is required. Because of the cost they freeze the blood samples until they have about fifty vials or so, then test them as a batch. It can take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks for the results to arrive. Invariably, I get the results in 4 to 5 weeks. 
                                                                                                                                                   Today I got a call from my surgeon´s secretary at the University of Alberta Hospital telling me my calcitonin count had arrived. (Normal is less than 100.) My count this past October was 18,606 down from 19,994 in April, 2009, a drop of approximately 7%.    
                                                                                                                                                    More important than the actual count is the trend. The drop from April is not huge, but it´s going in the right direction. My hope is that this raw food diet will give my body the resources it needs to boost my immune system and deal with the cancer the way the human body is designed to.    
                                                                                                                                                    In addition, I got the results of test that looks at the amount of inflammation in the body. Normal is < 120. Mine is 1,339. My high acidity levels are damaging to the cells and likely the cause of the inflammation. The raw food diet is an alkanizing one and should neutralize the acidity and move my body toward a healthier Ph balance. 
                                                                                                                                                    April, 2010 is the end of my raw food diet here in Montreal and the time of my next blood work. It will be interesting to see the results.

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