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Feb 7, 2010

Week Fourteen Summary

Being on a 100% raw food diet for 14 weeks has been an interesting journey. It continues to be.

In that time I've lost almost 40 pounds of excess fat and, in the words of my naturopath,  "tissue that doesn't contribute to my well-being." Although I'm the first one to admit that I'm a little on the thin side at the moment, it does feel good to not be carrying any extra weight.

Somehow this body reality is also affecting my emotional reality. What thoughts, beliefs, ideas, am I carrying that "don't contribute to my well-being?" I suspect there are quite a few.

For some time now, I've been thinking about a course called Psych-K. (Basically, it utilizes muscle testing to look at eight or so areas of one's life and corresponding beliefs.) As providence would have it, it is being offered here on the outskirts of Victoria this coming weekend. I registered this afternoon. We'll see how much "weight," read baggage, I can lose.

I've also noticed that my weight loss and the feeling of being lean is making its presence felt in the area of material possessions as well. Some time ago, circumstances provided me the opportunity to radically pare down what I owned. What little I didn't need on a daily basis, I stored in my brother's basement.  (Thanks bro.)

It's not that much really, but I'm feeling the need to go through what's left and let go of whatever "doesn't contribute to my well-being" anymore.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much stuff I can eliminate and -more importantly- how little I really need. A couple of months in Montreal, and almost that long here in Victoria, has shown me that it is surprisingly little.

A little "spring cleaning" seems to be in order.

The stats for this past week:
                             01/31/10             02/07/10           Change

Weight              124.9 lbs.               125.5                   +0.6 lbs.
The first increase in weight since I began in late October. It might be an anomaly or a sign that I've bottomed out on the weight loss. Either way the coming weeks should tell the tale.

Body Fat           14.7 lbs.                 15.1                    +0.4 lbs.
Interestingly, this modest increase in weight is mostly fat. My diet hasn't changed a lot, so I'm curious about where the fat is coming from.

BMI                     19.6                       19.7                     -0.4
A reflection of the weight.

Body Fat           11.8%                     12.0                     -1.0%       
Same as above but as a percentage.

Water                64.4%                     64.3                     -0.1%
Virtually unchanged.

Bone Mass        6.3%                       6.3                        No Change.
A bit below normal, but acceptable in the short run.