This week was pretty much the same as last week. Just the basic routine of food preparation and getting as much paperwork, research, etc done as possible.
What is different, is the growing pain in my groin. A few weeks ago, I thought the discomfort might have been due to a small intestinal blockage as a result of the addition of cooked food. From the amount of swelling on my left side, however, I'd say it's probably an inguinal hernia. I haven't gone to see a doctor here, as I'm reluctant to start the medical process while in BC.
While it's possible to get my treatment done here and have it covered by Alberta Health Care (AHC), the logistics and paperwork involved as a result are not appealing. Since my flight back to Edmonton is already booked for the 14th, I've decided to try and tough it out.
I almost forgot. Today, March 28th, is my birthday. (I actually don't mind birthdays as I find the alternative unappealing.) Besides, I got to spend it with a good friend at the lovely Fireside Grill in Saanich. It is a lovely location with great ambiance and fabulous food. They were also more than willing to modify the menu to meet our dietary restrictions. Highly recommended, (but not for raw food).
Here are the stats for this past week:
03/21/10 03/28/10 Change
Weight 125.2 lbs. 123.9 -1.3 lbs.
Weight 125.2 lbs. 123.9 -1.3 lbs.
My weight seems to have stabilized in the 122-127 range, which is OK for now.
Body Fat 15.1 lbs. 14.4 -0.7 lbs.
Only half the loss is fat, which suggests that the other half is muscle mass which I can't afford to lose.
BMI 19.7 19.4 -0.3
A reflection of the weight.
Body Fat 12.1% 11.6 -0.5
Same as above but as a percentage.
Water 64.1% 64.3 +0.2
Above 64% is a good place to be.
Bone Mass 6.3% 6.3 No Change.
Holding steady.